SEIS Academic Forum Series
Forum on Culture Studies
What Do Pathographies Want?
Re-Imaging Illness Through Graphic Medicine
主讲人:Monica Chiu
Monica Chiu 简介:
美国新罕布什尔大学英语系教授,曾主管新罕布什尔大学荣誉课程(University Honors Program),富布赖特访问学人。1996年在美国埃默里大学(Emory University)英语系博士毕业,亚裔美国研究知名学者,主要著作和编著有:Filthy Fictions: Asian American Literature by Women(Alta Mira, 2004)、Asian Americans in New England: Culture and Community (2009)、 Scrutinized! Surveillance in Asian North American Literature (University of Hawai’i Press, 2014),Drawing New Color Lines: Transnational Asian American Graphic Narratives (Hong Kong University Press,2015)等。
The popularity of graphic pathographies—long-form comics by and about subjects who have been ill or witnessed a family member’s severe illness—speaks to the value and necessity of individual narratives against recontextualized medical narratives. The latter involves a doctor who records patients’ symptoms and returns the case to them in medical terms. In the former, the patient chooses how to narrate her pain and suffering, a recounting sometimes at odds with clinical assessments. Graphic pathographies visualize the lacuna in medical diagnoses to illuminate an individual’s confrontation with illness, not an institutionalized narration of it. Under the rubric of the medical humanities, graphic medicine illustrates and teaches compassion for those who suffer. In this presentation, I will look at four graphic pathologies— Powell’s Swallow Me Whole, Dillon’s The Nao of Brown, Vamistendael’s When David Lost His Voice, and David B’s Epileptic—discussing how their unique use of visual rhetoric informs the narrative context.