9月10日讲座:China’s International Relations and Harmonious World

英国研究中心讲座通知——China’s international relations and harmonious world

题目:China’s international relations and harmonious world


日期:上午9:00-11:00, 2016年9月10日(周六)

讲座人:Dr Astrid Nordin


Dr Astrid Nordin

Lecturer, Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion, Lancaster University

Associate Director, Insitute of Social Futures

Research Fellow, Swedish Institute of International Affairs


As scholars and publics look for alternatives to what is understood as a violent Western world order, many claim that China can provide such an alternative through the Chinese dream of a harmonious world. Dr Astrid Nordin takes this claim seriously and examines its effects by tracing the notion across several contexts: the policy documents and speeches that launched harmony as an official term under previous president Hu Jintao; the academic literatures that asked what a harmonious world might look like; mega events that aimed to illustrate it; the online spoofing culture that is used to criticise and avoid “harmonization”; and the incorporation of harmony into current president Xi Jinping’s “Chinese dream”.

Dr Astrid Nordin finds contemporary Chinese society and international relations saturated with harmony, offers analysis of the important but understudied concept of harmony, and provides new and creative insights into wider contemporary issues in Chinese politics, society and scholarship.

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