12月27日讲座:The Political and Social Roles of U.S. Former Presidents

Lecture on American Studies

Topic: The Political and Social Roles of U.S. Former Presidents


Speaker: Dr. Wu Shengqi

Discussant: Dr. Yan Xunhua

Chair: Dr. Fu Meirong

Time: 3:00 - 5:00 pm, December 27, 2018 (Thursday)

Venue: Room 115, SEIS Building

Language: English

Sponsor: American Studies Center, SEIS, BFSU

About the Lecture

The U.S. former presidents have played considerable roles in American political and social life. Continuing to serve in Congress or the Supreme Court and committed to social service as private citizens, they support their party’s nominees in the presidential election, occasionally intervene in the primaries, offer policy advice, engage in public good deeds, and participate in international affairs in private capacity. Viewed from a long-term historical perspective, the degree of U.S. former presidents’ involvement in domestic politics is on the decline, while their involvement in public good deeds and international affairs is on the rise. Besides, their political and social roles vary in accordance with their personal ambitions, interests, and historical and social contexts.

About the Speaker

Specializing in American Politics and Sino-US relations, Dr. Wu Shengqi is an assistant professor at the School of English for Specific Purposes (SESP), BFSU. In 2004, he earned his M.A. in American Studies at the School of English and International Studies, BFSU, and he went on to pursue a doctoral degree in 2007 at the Institute of American Studies, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). From 2013-2016, Dr. Wu was a post-doctorate researcher at the School of International Studies, Peking University. Among  his published works are two monographs, The Public Diplomacy Efforts of the George W. Bush Administration in the Middle East (World Affairs Press, 2010) and The Political and Social Roles of the U.S. Former Presidents (Current Affairs Press, 2016), and some  journal articles on American foreign policy and China-U.S. relations.  

All interested parties are welcome!

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