SEIS Academic Forum Series(No.795)
Forum on Intercultural Studies
From Theory to Research Design and Back: Quantitative Methods Are Valuable Piece to the Puzzle
Speaker: Alex English
Time: 08:00 pm-10:00 pm
Date: May 26th, 2021
Venue: Tencent Online Meeting
(Conference code: 824 386 074)
In this lecture, Dr. Alex English will use quantitative studies in intercultural research as a case to explain and illustrate how to conduct high-quality research. Dr. English will introduce the model of Stress Coping and Acculturation, and reveal cultural differences concerning how to cope with stress based on his research on migrant population in China. This lecture is expected to help the general audience understand the basics of quantitative research and navigate the writing and publication of academic research. It is also hoped that this lecture can and provide help for graduate students in terms of their research proposal preparation and thesis writing.
About the speaker:
Alexander S. English (Ph.D. Zhejiang University, Cross-cultural Psychology) has served as a Research Fellow and Foreign Expert Instructor for the SISU Intercultural Institute and is currently serving as the Assistant Editor for the International Journal of Intercultural Relations. Dr. English’s research interests focus on migration patterns internally or internationally related to China including the adaptation experiences and coping mechanisms of sojourners. His research has published in prestigious SSCI journals and other highly ranked peer-reviewed international journals.